Friday 27 September 2019

3D Printing: Top 10 Industries That Benefit the Most

3D printing is a little mind boggling for most people…the ability to print nearly anything—including human body parts—is nearly beyond the average person’s comprehension. It sounds cool, and it’s certainly intriguing, but 3D printing isstill an abstract concept that sounds a bit surreal.
Not only is that the case for the majority of individuals, but it’s also hard for many industries to fathom just how much of an impact 3D printing is going to have on their work—and, really, their whole world.
Using 3D engineering software like SolidWorks CAD to print 3D models and beyond, product design, development, and productionare going to change massively in coming years. In fact, this intense industrial tech revolution has already begun. Read on to learn more about 10 industries that will never be the same!

Top 10 Industries Being Revolutionized by 3D Printing

While nearly all industries are being impacted by the technological advances being made in the 3D printing, design, and 3D CAD modeling realms, the following 10 are being enormously transformed.


Educators can use 3D printing to bring their lessons to life. And college students in design, construction, engineering, art, and untold other majors are using this technology to learn firsthand if their theories, designs, and plans will work in the real world.
They can produce 3D models and prototypes to see what works and what needs improvement, learning and adapting as they go—skills that will serve them well throughout their careers.


Many facets of the transportation industry are being transformed by 3D printing capabilities, from the engineering software used to design new roads to the 3D printing of actual vehicle parts.

Non-motorized Vehicles

The design and materials used to make bicycles, for example, are usually what makes the best bikes also the most expensive. But with 3D engineering and printing, these components can more easily be mass produced, lowering costs significantly and making non-motorized, human-powered vehicles more efficient and safer at the same time.

Public Transport

Public transportation can be significantly slowed by vehicle break downs. With replacement parts quickly and cheaply produced using 3D printing technology, the downtime of vehicles in need of repair can be drastically decreased, going from months to get parts to just days or weeks, and reducing costs by up to 95%!


With more people flying to world-wide destinations every year, the aviation industry must find ways to boost efficiency and reduce costs. Aircraft manufacturers are using 3D printing to produce lower-cost parts and to streamline production.


Like transportation, the medical field is seeing massive impact from 3D modeling and printing.


Though the FDA still needs to do extensive research before it will approve any 3D-printed drug technology, there is a lot of advancement being made in the field. Companies canprint pills that offer personalized dosages based on individual patient needs—something that traditional drug manufacturing processes could never accomplish in a cost-effective manner.

Prosthetics and Regenerative Medicine

Not only can we now print prosthetic limbs for humans, but we also have hope of being able to print functioning human body parts!


Dental and medical implants need to be highly customized to fit individual bodies and mouths, a process that creates a costly end product. 3D printing lowers costs and creates more personalized solutions that can be printed and placed at the time of removal, condensing what would have been two separate, invasive visits into one.

Construction and Architecture

Two of the most obvious fields to be impacted by 3D technology are construction and architecture, so we’re grouping them together here. Architects and builders can now use 3D CAD modeling software and other 3D design products (like SolidWorks) to build lifelike models on the fly. And as the tech advances, entire buildings will be 3D printed!


Another obvious entry on this list, engineering has been forever changed by 3D engineering software, like SolidWorks CAD and 3D design products. Beyond just printing prototypes, engineers are now able to test their designs in real time.


Whether they work with ceramics, metals, or paper, artists can now dream and print their visions into life!
This also has positive implications in art education, as replicas of famous works can be created that allow students to touch and interact with the paintings and sculptures in ways that just can’t be rivaled by looking at pictures of the masterpieces in books.


Whether we’re talking about the design of packaging, fashion and home décor, or cars, everything has changed in this industry.


We are a society who loves to be entertained, so 3D printing is a welcome innovation here. Manufacturers can print consumer tech and electronic devices as one piece versus many individual parts that then need extensive assembly, making them more affordable. The gaming world is now full of 3D virtual reality, and musical instruments and movie sets/props are being produced using 3D printing.


As you’ve read throughout this article, manufacturers of just about everything are seeing positive impacts, as they can print not only their tools and replacement machinery parts, but also their products as single items versus parts that need assembly.


One of the more surprising industries that is seeing massive changes is environmental conservation. Conservationists can now print 3D coral reefs and other wildlife habitats, as well as tracking tags for endangered species. 3D manufacturing is also much more environmentally friendly, as it produces very little waste.

Transforming Engineering Efforts

If you’re ready to revolutionize your business using 3D engineering software and 3D CAD modeling software, like SolidWorks CAD orSolidWorks 3D design products, contact us!  DesignPoint is here to help.

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3D Printing: Top 10 Industries That Benefit the Most

3D printing is a little mind boggling for most people…the ability to print nearly anything—including human body parts—is nearly beyond t...